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  1. Are supply and demand zones the same as support and resistance?

    When there is a surplus of an asset (i.e., more supply than demand), the price may fall, while a shortage of an asset (i.e., more demand than supply) can lead to an increase in price. 2. Consider market trends.

  2. How do you indicate support and resistance?

    Learn about the various techniques and tools used to identify support and resistance levels in trading. Find out how to use these levels to locate key levels on a chart and how to confirm their strength.

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Планировщик ключевых слов: TOP 10
Точный поиск : the:10|and:7|to:7|
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    Планировщик ключевых слов сайта tradersunion.com

    страница в поиске топ 10: tradersunion com
    страница в поиске топ 10: brfcs com
    страница в поиске топ 10: allfreenovel com
    страница в поиске топ 10: bhaudit fr
    страница в поиске топ 10: plati market

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